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Four high-end chain new products of Group company were awarded by China general mechanical parts and components industry association

  Few days ago, we got the good news from the fourth enlarged council session of the 5th China general mechanical parts and components industry association that four types of Donghua high-end chain new products were awarded the prize of  2012 excellent new products of self-dependent innovation. Among those awarded products, three types of products obtained special award prize: C2060F77 ORK1F2 agricultural machine chain with seal O-Ring, ST135F17SLR environmental precision step escalator chain and CL04DF3 timing chain for automobile engine and another type 160HSPF1-2 high-strength bush chain obtained excellent prize.In 2012, although domestic economy situation was depressed, Donghua still insisted its scientific development strategy, calmly responded to different difficulties, continuously carried out self-dependent innovations for its products and technology, actively made adjustments of its products structure and developed the marketing sources, which finally make new products for significant national equipment or OEM come forth in large number. The above four types of awarded products are only the representative among them which all are supplied for OEM. C2060F77 ORK1F2 is specially designed and supplied for the big power combine harvester of KUBOTA and its free-maintenance agricultural conveyor chain most suitable for the rainy season of east-southern Asia area. All the technical indexes have reached high-standard requirements of the same type chain of Japanese manufacturers. ST135F17SLR environmental precision step escalator chain is designed according to the special requirements of South-African customer, which has the performance of self-lubrication, low noise, smooth operation and high precision of step and applied for commercial escalators in the high-end shopping mall. CL04DF3 automobile engine timing chain is specially designed for the limousine 1.8L of one famous domestic manufacturer. 160HSPF1-2 high strength bush chain is used for the mining machinery of the world famous engineering machinery manufacturer of U.S suitable for the super low temperature -50 and severe condition of dirty, easy-wear and heavy load etc.     The award prize of Excellent new products of self-innovation is an annual prize evaluated for enterprises, scientific research institution, collective and individual that already made great contributions to the new products development, which further promotes the technology progress, technical innovation and improves the capability of new products research and development of enterprises of China general mechanical parts and components association. There are more than ten products of eight enterprises obtained the special prize this time and three of them (30%) are Donghua products, the left seven enterprises each have one products obtains the award prize, which fully prominent the leading position of Group company in the technical innovation area of the chain industry and its great contribution to the technical progress of chain industry of China.  

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